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    How to evaluate the thermal conductivity of Thermal conductivity of thermal silicone sheet ?
    日期:2016-08-14   浏览:1697次   来源:怡赛电子
    Thermal conductivity of thermal silicone sheet is good or bad, or its quality is evaluated by the thermal conductivity and thermal conductivity.

    Thermal conductivity: refers to the stable heat transfer conditions, 1m thick material, both sides of the surface temperature difference of 1 degree (K, ° C), in 1 second, through the heat transfer area of 1 square meter, expressed in λ, unit W / (m · degrees), w / (m · k) (W / m · K, where K can be replaced by ℃).

    Thermal conductivity: the ability of objects to conduct heat, thermal conductivity can not be measured as a percentage. Thermal conductivity is the material's inherent performance parameter that describes the thermal conductivity of the material. This feature has nothing to do with the size, shape, thickness of the material itself, but with the composition of the material itself. Therefore, the thermal conductivity of similar materials are the same, and will not change because of the thickness is not the same. All are thermal conductivity.

    Thermal silicone sheet is based on silica gel, metal oxides and other additives added by a special process of synthesis of a thermal conductivity of the media, in the industry, thermal silica film is designed to use the heat transfer gap production design, to be able to Fill the gap to complete the heat transfer between the heat-emitting site and the site, but also play insulation, shock absorption, sealing and other functions to meet the equipment miniaturization and ultra-thin design requirements, is extremely technical and usability, and Wide range of applications, is an excellent thermal filler material.

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